Case Study

Beans Coffee:
Roasting with purpose

About Beans Coffee

Revolutionizing the Roast

Founded in 1994, Beans Coffee B.V., founded by Paul de Haan, has been a trailblazer in the coffee industry. Starting as a coffee shop, their commitment to on-site roasting prevailed, leading to global recognition. With four Probat roasters, they supply Private-Label coffee to diverse clients, prioritizing direct relationships with farmers for quality.

From local coffee shops to Michelin-starred restaurants, Beans Coffee’s growth reflects dedication to exceptional coffee. While expanding, Beans Coffee maintains a personal touch, shaping innovation and sustainable sourcing in Dutch coffee history.

The Challenge

Time for a Website Makeover

For over 25 years, Beans Coffee has flourished as one of the Netherlands' largest coffee roasters. Now, their aim is to be the first CO2 neutral coffee roaster in the country. Their current website did not match their mission.

To spread awareness about this mission and their newfound purpose, they sought our expertise to renew and enhance their website.⁣⁣

Approach Used

Collaborating with Beans Coffee, we conducted a customer journey workshop, extracting valuable insights. Using this data, we created a sitemap and wireframes, establishing the website's blueprint. We then created a responsive UX/UI design based on the wireframes. The design was built and extensively tested across various devices and browsers before launch.


The Solution

Building Beans Coffee's Digital Impact

Our team is proud to contribute to the epic Beans Coffee website project, fostering awareness and a lasting impact on the coffee world through an enhanced online presence.

View Beans Coffee website here.


Lieve Claire, Betül en de rest van het team, ontzettend bedankt voor jullie steun, geduld en expertise. Jullie zijn stuk voor stuk pareltjes en hebben echt een pracht juweeltje voor ons gemaakt. Doordat jullie one missie zo goed hebben neergezet, maken we samen de wereld een stukie mooier.

Give yourself a pat on the back! Dank dank dank! Komen jullie snel en kopje koffie drinken?

Kelly Overheul
HR-Manager at Beans Coffee B.V.
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